5 health benefits of kefir

May improve gut health

The probiotics you yield from kefir help in removing mutagens and carcinogens, thereby reducing the risk of many gut-related diseases. This makes it healthier than yogurt.

May enhance heart health

Kefir reduces cholesterol and serum triacylglycerol which are two unhealthy fats that block arteries. It also reduces blood pressure and hypertension.

May improve bone health

Kefir has calcium and vitamin K2, both of which are beneficial in improving our bone health. Regular intake of these two nutrients can help you heal from osteoporosis.

May protect against cancer

A study revealed that kefir extract reduced the number of human breast cancer cells by 56%. The bioactive compounds present disrupt cancer cells and their growth cycle.

May heal skin

Adding kefir to your daily diet can make your skin glow and appear healthy. It also heals skin issues like scars, burn marks, and even eczema, thanks to its nutritious composition.