5 health benefits of jalapenos

Promotes weight loss

Jalapenos increase fat burn and reduce your appetite which promotes weight loss. Active compounds like capsaicin and capsaicinoids found in jalapenos help shed those extra kilos.

Prevents stomach ulcers

The capsaicin in jalapenos protects the stomach from developing ulcers. According to studies, it helps reduce stomach inflammation in people with H. pylori infection.

Good for your heart health

The capsaicin in jalapenos reduce high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar levels which are responsible for causing heart diseases. 

Boosts your immunity

Packed with vitamin C, jalapenos can help stimulate your immune system and keep infections at bay. The antioxidants in them strengthen your body's natural defenses.

Helps fight cancer

The capsaicin in jalapenos has anti-cancer properties and can kill more than 40 types of cancer cells without harming the healthy and normal cells.

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