5 health benefits of clay pot cooking

By Anujj Trehaan


Helps retain the nutritional value of the food

Due to the pores present in clay pots, the nutritional content of the food remains 100% intact as they regulate heat and moisture.


Adds more minerals to your food

Clay utensils has 16 minerals. These include are calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, etc, which are naturally present in high quantities.


Keeps bacteria away

As per study, lentils cooked in a clay pot survived a 36-hour non-air-conditioned train journey without tarnishing their nutritional value.


Improves and neutralizes acidic value

Clay pot has an alkaline nature that neutralizes the acidic value of the food. This helps you steer clear of stomach irritation, constipation, etc.


Demands less oil for cooking

Clay is a natural absorbent of oil and retains it well throughout the cooking process. This means that you can cook with a lesser quantity of oil.

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