5 health benefits of breadfruit

Improves heart health

Potassium in breadfruit ensures smooth blood flow through the arteries, ensuring that your blood pressure and heart rate are stable. It also reduces bad cholesterol in your body.

Improves brain function

Breadfruit is blessed with iron. This nutrient is required for the proper functioning of the cells in your body as they play a role in supplying oxygen to your brain.

Helps lose weight

It is loaded with dietary fiber, which fosters healthy weight management. Fiber keeps you fuller for a long period of time, keeping cravings and unhealthy snacking at bay.

Prevents cancer

Breadfruit is packed with essential antioxidants. They are known to reduce the free radicals in the body, thereby controlling the growth of cancer-causing cells.

Supports immunity

Breadfruit has calcium, potassium, iron, and folate. It is also rich in vitamin B1 which tones the walls of your digestive tract, where the majority of the immunity system is located.

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