5 health benefits of bok choy

Supports bone health

Rich in calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin K, bok choy is great for your bone health. These minerals help strengthen your bones and maintain bone structure.

Reduces risk of heart diseases

Minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium found in bok choy help regulate your blood pressure and prevent the risk of developing heart diseases.

Boosts eye health

Zeaxanthin and lutein found in bok choy help boost your eye health and prevent the risk of developing macular degeneration. The vitamin A in it also maintains your eye sight.

Boosts your immunity

Selenium and vitamin C in bok choy help improve your immune response to infections by stimulating the production of T-cells that identify and kill invading viruses and bacteria.

Improves your skin health

The vitamin C in this vegetable combats free radicals and assists in collagen production as well which makes your skin healthy from the inside. It also fights aging signs.