Boosts your heart health


The vitamins A, C, and folate in arugula prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The polyphenols and organosulfur compounds in it also prevent heart risks.

Reduces the risk of cancer


Arugula has sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates which help lower the risk of cancer. Sulforaphane or indole-3-carbinol helps prevent cancer-related symptoms.


Promotes digestive functions

The vitamin C and magnesium in arugula help promote digestive functions and prevent gastrointestinal disorders. The fluid and fiber in it prevent indigestion.

Helps prevent diabetes


Rich in fiber, arugula helps decrease your insulin level and hyperglycemia, thereby preventing the risk of type-2 diabetes. It also helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

Great for your skin


Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, arugula helps in slowing down the aging process and protects your skin against harmful UV rays. 

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