5 guest etiquettes to follow

By Anujj Trehaan


Express gratitude

When you are visiting someone for a stay, it is wise to show some appreciation to the hosts. Bring them a little something like food and home decor items since these are loved by all.

Follow house rules


Everyone you visit has a certain lifestyle and some house rules in place. Make sure to be a part of them during your stay. Know when they sleep or wake up, what their schedule is, etc.


Bring your necessary items

Carry your own necessary items like toiletries, cosmetics, towels, etc. when you stay at someone's place. In case you forget something, ask the hosts where you can buy it.


Contribute to their daily chores

Ensure that you add value to their daily routine and chores. For instance, if you are good at cooking, you can offer to prepare a meal for them.


Don't come without prior notice

When you plan a stay, always check with the hosts if they are available and don't have any prior plans to attend. Be lucid about your duration of stay.

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