5 foods to avoid during monsoon

By Anujj Trehaan


Leafy vegetables

During monsoons, humidity and temperature make leafy greens susceptible to bacterial and fungal growth, potentially causing stomach infections. Opt for alternatives like bitter gourd and bottle gourd.



During monsoon, seafood like prawns and fish may carry pathogens and bacteria due to dirty rainwater and humidity, leading to potential infections. Their freshness is also compromised in this season.



Ayurveda advises against consuming yogurt during monsoon as it can dampen the digestive fire, leading to digestive issues due to its heavy and cooling nature.


Raw vegetables

During the rainy season, raw vegetables may harbor hidden insects, making them a poor choice for consumption. Even washing them thoroughly doesn't guarantee the absence of pests. 


Fried foods

Fried foods like fritters and samosas during monsoon can cause gastrointestinal issues due to slower digestion and high salt content.

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