5 foods that cause hair loss

By Rishabh Raj


Processed sugar

Consuming processed sugar causes poor blood circulation, due to which it becomes difficult for your blood to reach all the way up to your hair follicles.

High-glycemic foods


These foods promote hormonal imbalance and cause an insulin spike in the body. Increased insulin activates androgen production, thereby causing hair damage.


Low protein diet

Your hair has a protein called keratin, the production of which gets reduced due to decreased protein intake, thereby degenerating your hair health.


Raw egg whites

Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, which are essential for your hair's health. However, biotin doesn't reach your body by consuming egg whites, leading to hair damage.


Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks contain artificial sweeteners, which can be harmful to your hair growth. These drinks influence insulin levels in the body, thereby leading to poor blood circulation.

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