Lavender oil

Lavender oil can strengthen your hair
follicles and generate cell growth. The calming
fragrance helps you de-stress as well, and it
also has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

Tea tree oil

Dandruff is the scaly, dry flakes of skin on your scalp that can get itchy. Tea tree oil is the best choice to get rid of dandruff as it has strong antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Ylang Ylang oil

Oily scalp is a result of overly active sebaceous
glands. Ylang Ylang oil can minimize the oily
feeling in your scalp by balancing the oil production.

Palmarosa oil

Palmarosa essential oil is super hydrating
and helps to make frizzy hair smooth.
It makes curly hair manageable while
giving it a nice shine.

essential oil

This essential oil has anti-bacterial properties and can balance the oil-producing glands, leading to a reduction in hair fall. Mix it with a carrier oil and massage well.