Chickpea soup

Saute leeks, celery, garlic, onions, chives,
sage, thyme, and rosemary in olive oil. Add
squash, bell peppers, zucchini, white wine,
red chili flakes, chickpea and stock, and boil.

Deep-fry whole potatoes, add salt and bake. Cook onion, tomato, mushroom, garlic, ginger, yogurt, chilies, garam masala, methi leaves, and coriander. Stuff in potatoes & bake.

jacked potatoes

Saute French beans, green peas, carrots,
and sweet corn. Saute flour in butter, add
milk and cook until thick. Add seasonings
and mix with veggies. Add cheese and bake.

Baked vegetable
au gratin

Make a pie dough and line a pie dish with it
and bake. Cook cornflour-infused milk, butter,
and sugar. Mix walnuts and dates and pour
them into the baked shell. Bake again.

and walnut pie

Chicken and cheese salad is healthy and
refreshing. Mix chicken breast cubes with salt,
pepper, and cheese. Mix mayonnaise. Garnish
with chopped parsley and lettuce, and serve.

and cheese salad