5 common workout injuries

By Apurva P


Wrist injury

Pushing and pulling exercises cause stress in the wrist region making it susceptible to injuries. Be careful while you lift weights and exercise your wrists before starting your workout.


Lower back sprain

Lifting heavy objects with improper posture can cause lower back sprains. Strengthening core muscles can prevent this common gym injury.


Knee injury

Knee injuries are common during exercise and can render a person immobile. Pay close attention when performing squats or deadlifts and warm up before exercise to prevent sprains.


Ankle injuries

Single-leg exercises pose a risk to the foot or ankle. Ankle sprains can occur while running on the treadmill. Caution and proper footwear are essential.


Shin splints

Shin splints are caused by treadmill jogging, jumping, and weighted jumping. Proper warm-up and low-impact exercises can prevent them.

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