5 benefits of walking barefoot on grass

Improves eyesight

As you walk barefoot on grass, you put pressure on your first, second, and third toes, which are the main reflexology points for your eyesight.

Relieves stress and anxiety

As per research, barefoot walking on grass can help decrease stress levels by 62%. The levels of endorphins inside your system increase considerably when you do so.

Improves sleep

Walking barefoot on grass improves your circadian rhythm, helping you maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle. A physical connection with the earth can lower cortisol, the stress hormone.

Fights inflammation

The earth's electrons enter the body through specific reflexology zones present on your feet. These then activate the antioxidants present in your body and help fight inflammation.

Boosts immunity

When practicing grounding, your body absorbs and donates the earth's electrons to the organs that need them the most. This boosts your immunity as backed by research.

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