5 benefits of taking iron supplements

By Rishabh Raj


Boosts hemoglobin

Iron helps in the formation of hemoglobin, a red blood cell protein. Hemoglobin's function is to carry out oxygen through the blood, lack of which can cause anemia.


Boosts athletic performance

Iron's core function, as mentioned before, is to form hemoglobin which carries oxygen through your blood and helps keep your vital organs and body parts functional.


Reduces bruising

Bruises occur when the internal clotting system doesn't function properly. Iron helps in production and function of platelets too. Platelets are necessary to control blood clotting.


Boosts immunity

Iron helps recover damaged cells, tissues, and organs that are needed to fight diseases. It can also help combat viruses and bad bacteria.


Improves cognitive abilities

A lack of iron means a lack of oxygen traveling through the blood. Restoring iron levels to normal can help in improving focus and boosting your cognitive function.

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