5 benefits of Epsom salt bath

Helps detox your body

The essential minerals in Epsom salt remove harmful toxins from the body which relieves stress, treats constipation, aids in weight loss, and improves your overall health.

Treats skin irritation or inflammation

Epsom salt baths not only help you relax but also soothe skin irritation and inflammation caused by contact dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and athlete's foot.

Treats arthritis, pain, and soreness

An Epsom salt bath can reduce pain and swelling associated with anti-inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, and lupus.

Maintains your foot health

An Epsom salt bath can help relieve symptoms of athlete's foot, treat toenail fungus and gout pain and inflammation. It can also eliminate foot odor and exfoliate the skin.

Helps relieve stress

An easy and affordable method of self-care, Epsom salt bath helps relieve mental and physical stress and calms you down. It also reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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