
When celebs' appearances at litfests were canceled

By Aikantik Bag



Filmmaker Onir Dhar's session on LGBTQ+ issues at the Bhopal Lit Fest was canceled recently. Here are four other instances when litfest sessions of notable personalities were canceled in India.


Salman Rushdie

Rushdie’s 2012's JLF session regarding his awards-winning 'Midnight's Children.' It happened after intelligence reports suggested Mumbai-based underworld assassins could target him.

Taslima Nasrin


Taslima Nasrin’s JLF 2017 session led to several Muslim groups protesting outside the venue, Diggi Palace. As per reports, Nasreen has been blacklisted from the JLF since then.

Noam Chomsky


Chomsky's 2020 Mumbai Lit Fest session was canceled and organisers cited “integrity issues.” He planned to speak about how MNCs were "hastening humanity towards a deeper crisis."

Prasoon Joshi


Central Board of Film Certification chief Joshi decided to cancel his 2018 JLF session after he received threats from Karni Sena.

4 times when celebrities' litfest sessions were canceled in India

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