Visions of failed perfection in film

By Divya Raje Bhonsale


Films that explore utopia's concept

Filmmakers have always been fascinated by the concept of  utopia, which mean an ideal society. Here are films that reflect upon the dark side of utopia, showing a different side of the society. 



'Metropolis' (1927) portrays a futuristic city with a stark class divide, highlighting worker exploitation in a seemingly perfect society. 


'Logan's Run'

'Logan's Run' (1976) critiques societal fixation on youth, revealing the grim cost of a utopia where life ends at 30. 



'Brazil' (1985) explores a retro-futuristic world, critiquing dehumanizing technology and oppressive bureaucracy. 


'The Truman Show'

'The Truman Show' (1998) delves into free will and manipulation, questioning the morality of controlled, voyeuristic entertainment. 



'Snowpiercer' (2013) depicts Earth's last survivors aboard a class-divided train, challenging the oppressive social order underpinning this flawed utopia. 

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