Roman Polanski's best movies

By Divya Raje Bhonsale


Best works of Roman Polanski

Here are five films that exemplify Roman Polanski's diverse and masterful storytelling abilities. 


'The Pianist'

'The Pianist,' a haunting World War II drama, highlights the resilience of the human spirit and features an Oscar-winning performance by Adrien Brody. 



'Chinatown,' a neo-noir masterpiece set in 1930s Los Angeles, stars Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway in a web of corruption and deceit. 


'Rosemary's Baby'

Polanski's Oscar-nominated psychological horror film, 'Rosemary's Baby,' showcases his talent for infusing absurd dark humor into his work. 



'Repulsion,' another psychological horror film, explores mental unraveling and the eerie depths of the human psyche with Catherine Deneuve's captivating performance. 


'Knife in the Water'

Polanski's debut feature, 'Knife in the Water,' is a minimalist thriller that delves into the complexities of human relationships during a suspenseful sailing trip. 

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