Paul Thomas Anderson's best movies

By Tanvi Gupta


'Boogie Nights' (1997)

'Boogie Nights' is a sprawling epic that stars Mark Wahlberg as Dirk Diggler, a young and ambitious porn star. Anderson's masterful storytelling captures the era's cultural shifts. 


'Magnolia' (1999)

Anderson's 'Magnolia' is an exploration of interconnected lives in the San Fernando Valley. The film weaves together disparate characters, from a troubled game show host to a dying patriarch. 


'There Will Be Blood' (2007)

Set against the backdrop of California's oil boom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 'There Will Be Blood' is an epic tale. Anderson's direction make it a cinematic masterpiece. 


'The Master' (2012)

'The Master' delves into the complex relationship between Freddie Quell (Joaquin Phoenix), a troubled World War II veteran, and Lancaster Dodd (Philip Seymour Hoffman). 


'Licorice Pizza' (2021)

'Licorice Pizza' is a nostalgic journey set in the 1970s San Fernando Valley. Anderson's signature storytelling captures the essence of youth, dreams, and the unpredictable nature of relationships. 

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