HYBE, Geffen to debut global girl group

By Tanvi Gupta



The powerhouse label HYBE has joined forces with the American Record label—Geffen Records—to manufacture an all-new global girl group. Here are all the details!


Top 20 contenders unveiled

On Tuesday, the collaborative entities unveiled the top 20 contenders, who have been selected from a pool of over one lakh submissions.


First-ever HYBE x Geffen group

For those unaware, this first-ever HYBE x Geffen Records global girl group will be curated through a rigorous and time-tested K-pop training system.


Training process documentation

Interestingly, this training process will be documented in an upcoming untitled Netflix series, poised to premiere in 2024.


More about Netflix's series

This upcoming Netflix series will be directed by Nadia Hallgren, who earlier helmed Michelle Obama's 'Becoming' for the streaming platform.


'The Debut: Dream Academy' audition

In the meantime, fans can follow the audition program—'The Debut: Dream Academy'—of the 20 shortlisted contenders on YouTube, commencing on September 1.

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