Hollywood movies about gambling

By Divya Raje Bhonsale


Gambling's cinematic allure

These films captivate audiences with tales of risk, reward, and the intoxicating allure of games of chance. 


'The Hustler'

'The Hustler,' directed by Robert Rossen, showcases Paul Newman as a talented pool player navigating the high-stakes underworld of hustling. 



Martin Scorsese's 'Casino' delves into the gripping narrative of power and betrayal in 1970s Las Vegas. 


'Ocean's Eleven'

'Ocean's Eleven,' a stylish heist film by Steven Soderbergh, follows George Clooney's character planning to rob three casinos simultaneously. 



'21,' directed by Robert Luketic, is a heist drama inspired by true events, featuring an MIT student joining a secret blackjack team. 


'The Gambler'

'The Gambler' explores the tumultuous life of a literature professor and high-stakes gambler played by Mark Wahlberg. 

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