Happy birthday, Harry Potter

By Isha Sharma



We rewind clocks to reminisce one moment from each 'HP' film to celebrate the birthday of Harry Potter—a courageous, kind, and instantly likable hero.


Movies one and two

In 'Sorcerer's Stone,' Hagrid's iconic "Y'er a wizard, Harry," marked a turning point in his life, while in 'Chamber of Secrets,' facing Tom Riddle informed him of upcoming dangers ahead.


Movies three and four

In 'Prisoner of Azkaban,' Potter finally meets his godfather Sirius Black, while in 'Goblet of Fire,' he valiantly and kindly brings back Cedric's dead body.


Movies five and six 

In 'Order of the Phoenix,' a memorable moment is Potter starting Dumbledore's Army, while in 'Half-Blood Prince,' he learns never to use unknown curses post a duel with Draco Malfoy.


Movies seven and eight

In 'Deathly Hallows I,' Potter bids adieu to Dobby with a heavy heart, while in 'DH II,' during and before the final war, he realizes that the real victory lay in the friendships he built all his life.

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