Films, series to watch on Janmashtami

By Divya Raje Bhonsale


Titles you can watch on Janmashtami 2023

What's a better way to celebrate Janmashtami than watching films or series that show the birth and life of Lord Krishna? Here are five such titles to watch.


'Shri Krishna'

Ramanand Sagar's 1993 TV series 'Shri Krishna,' featuring Sarvadaman D Banerjee and Swapnil Joshi, is one of the first shows made on Lord Krishna's life.


'Main Krishna Hoon'

'Main Krishna Hoon,' a 2013 partially animated film directed by Rajiv S Ruia, stars Juhi Chawla and child artist Namit Shah.


'OMG - Oh My God!'

Akshay Kumar plays Lord Krishna in the satirical comedy 'OMG - Oh My God!,' which received critical acclaim and a sequel in August.


'Krishna - The Birth'

Rajiv Chilaka's animated film showcases Lord Krishna's birth and his father Vasudev's daring journey across the Yamuna River.


'Krishna: Kans Vadh'

Chilaka's 2007 film Krishna: Kans Vadh follows Lord Krishna and his brother Balram as they defeat their evil uncle Kans in Mathura.

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