Dead artists brought alive by AI

By Isha Sharma



Can the dead sing, walk, perform, or act? The straight answer would be no, but now, with the meteoric advancements of Artificial Intelligence, they can do all of this. Check some examples. 


George Carlin

The late comedian George Carlin has been digitally resurrected in an AI-generated podcast, sparking debate on the ethics of reviving deceased artists. 


John Lennon

The Beatles's John Lennon's unfinished song 'Now and Then' was completed using AI, reuniting him with Paul McCartney. 


Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley fans have mixed reactions to his upcoming virtual concert, 'Elvis Evolution,' created through AI and holographic projections. It will debut in November. 


Uttam Kumar

In India, late Bengali superstar Uttam Kumar will appear alongside living actors in Srijit Mukherji's film 'Oti Uttam' using AI and visual effects. 

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