Catherine Hardwicke's best movies

By Divya Raje Bhonsale


5 best Catherine Hardwicke films

Revered filmmaker Catherine Hardwicke has given us a treasure of films including 'Twilight.' Here are our five best picks of her work. 



Hardwicke's best movies include the gritty coming-of-age drama 'Thirteen,' which explores themes of peer pressure and self-destructive behavior. 


'Lords of Dogtown'

'Lords of Dogtown,' a vibrant skateboarding drama, captures youth rebellion and the birth of modern skate culture. 


'The Nativity Story'

'The Nativity Story' beautifully retells Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus Christ. 



'Twilight' introduces audiences to the supernatural romance between human Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen. 


'Miss Bala'

Lastly, 'Miss Bala' is a gripping action thriller about survival, empowerment, and navigating a dangerous world of crime and corruption. 

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