Anthony Hopkins's best movies

By Namrata Ganguly



Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins is a Hollywood living legend. He won his first Oscar in his 50s and then in his 80s! Here are some of his best performances.


'The Elephant Man'

In 'The Elephant Man,' he portrayed Dr. Frederick Treves with remarkable compassion, developing a close bond with the deformed protagonist.


'The Silence of the Lambs'

Hopkins's iconic role as Dr. Hannibal Lecter in 'The Silence of the Lambs' showcased his chilling and intellectual acting prowess, earning him an Oscar.


'The Remains of the Day'

In 'The Remains of the Day,' he brilliantly conveyed the internal struggle of a reserved butler torn between duty and personal feelings.


'The Two Popes'

'The Two Popes' featured Hopkins as Pope Benedict XVI, exploring the character's depth and introspection amid religious conflicts.

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