Vijay Deverakonda and director Tharun Bhascker announced their collaboration for an upcoming movie at the pre-release event of 'Keedaa Cola.' Here's what we know.
Successful partnership
Deverakonda and Bhascker's successful partnership dates back to the 2016 hit film 'Pelli Choopulu,' which catapulted the 'Liger' actor to stardom.
During the event, the actor stated, "I want to take this opportunity to announce that we've finally locked a new film and we'll be collaborating again soon."
Deverakonda's upcoming projects
Meanwhile, Deverakonda has multiple projects lined up, including Parasuram's Family Star and Gowtam Tinnanuri's VD12.
Here's everything about 'Keedaa Cola'
Bhascker's 'Keedaa Cola' is slated for a release on November 3. The film boasts an ensemble cast of Chaitanya Rao, Rag Mayur, Raghu Ram, among others.