Acid attack survivor tweets to SRK

By Divya Raje Bhonsale


Acid attack survivor seeks SRK's help

An acid attack survivor faced issues with biometric KYC verification due to her inability to blink. She tweeted to Shah Rukh Khan and his Meer Foundation for help.


About Meer Foundation

Meer Foundation, started by the actor in 2013, focuses on rehabilitating acid attack victims by funding corrective surgeries and providing support through regular meetings.


Pragya Prasun's tweet to SRK

Acid attack survivor Pragya Prasun faced KYC biometric issues while opening a bank account. She tweeted to SRK and his Meer Foundation regarding her right to dignity.


A better place for survivors

Prasun, in her tweet, further requested the actor to help in making the world a better place for the survivors where they're not denied of important facilities.


Highlighting challenges

She also filed an online petition highlighting challenges faced by survivors in accessing services like bank accounts due to facial recognition software limitations.

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