5 facts about birthday boy Suga

By Divya Bhonsale


Suga's 30th Birthday

Min Yoon-gi aka Suga (his stage name) is one of the most popular South Korean rappers and a member of BTS. Suga holds many roles in BTS including a singer, producer, and also songwriter.


Love for Indian food

Suga loves to eat Indian food. He has expressed his love for Indian cuisine on multiple occasions. According to reports, he once also texted an Indian food delivery agent.


Talks in Satoori accent

Whenever Suga is going through an emotional phase wherein he feels a little overwhelmed, unhappy, or nervous, he begins to speak in Satoori accent.


Underwent a surgery

In 2013, Suga underwent surgery for appendicitis. Since he was still recovering from the medical surgery, Suga had to skip an award ceremony. Three years later, he suffered an ear injury too.


A philanthropist

On his 25th birthday, he chose to donate food to about 40 orphanages, under the name of ARMY. He also donated nearly $90,000 to a Korean foundation for cancer patients.


Supports LGBTQ+ rights

Suga is a firm supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. The singer has also often expressed his concern for the mental health of the community members.

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