Musk calls Zuckerberg 'chicken'

By Athik Saleh


Musk's 'chicken' taunt

Elon Musk taunts Mark Zuckerberg by calling him a 'chicken' for canceling their proposed cage match.


Zuckerberg's challenge

Zuckerberg had urged Musk to commit to a real MMA fight or move on. He said that in response to Musk's invitation for a practice bout. 


Zuckerberg demands official match

Zuckerberg insisted that Musk should rely on independent training and make a decision about participating in an official match.


Musk's commitment questioned

Zuckerberg claims Musk isn't serious, citing the lack of a confirmed date and Musk's mention of needing surgery.


Zuckerberg awaits serious offer

Zuckerberg states that if Musk becomes serious about an official event, he knows how to reach him.

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