Most expensive cities for living well

By Athik Saleh


Luxury living resumes

The world is back to normal after the pandemic, and high spenders are splashing money. Here are the most expensive cities for luxurious living.


Singapore at the top

Singapore is the most expensive city for high-net-worth individuals, according to the Global Wealth & Lifestyle report by Julius Baer.


Asia's rise

Singapore is followed by Shanghai in second and Hong Kong in third.  Asia is the most expensive region  for living luxuriously. 


Mumbai climbs

Mumbai is the only Indian city on the list of 25 most expensive cities, ranking 18th in 2023. It is also the most expensive for health insurance.


Cheap Europe

Europe, the Middle East, and Africa are the most affordable regions. Many European cities, including London, Paris, and Zurich, fell in the ranking. 

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