TCS rocked by bribes-for-job scandal

By Athik Saleh


Bribery scandal

TCS is embroiled in a bribes-for-job scandal involving senior executives taking bribes from staffing firms; the company has taken action.



TCS's global head of Resource Management Group, ES Chakravarthy, allegedly accepted bribes from staffing firms for years, according to a whistleblower complaint.


Probe leads to action

TCS investigated the complaint. After the probe, it sent Chakravarthy on leave, fired four RMG executives, and blacklisted three staffing firms.


Scandal's scale

TCS is yet to ascertain the scale of the scandal. The company, however, estimates that those involved earned over Rs. 100 crore through commissions.


TCS shocked

TCS is shocked and concerned over the ongoing scandal, with no idea how long it has been happening. It has hired over 300,000 people in the last three years.

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