Alphabet's Sundar Pichai gets pay bump

By Athik Saleh


Pichai's mega payout

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai's pay package surged to $226 million last year, making him one of the highest-paid corporate leaders globally.


Pay package

The rise in Pichai's pay package in 2022 is mainly due to a triennial stock grant worth $218 million. His compensation was $6.3 million in 2021.


Google execs' pay

Pichai's pay at Google was much higher than other Alphabet executives, with Ruth Porat earning $24.5m and Prabhakar Raghavan earning around $37m.


CEO's security costs

Alphabet spent $5.94 million on CEO Sundar Pichai's personal security. This was included in his pay package. 


CEO's exorbitant pay

Alphabet's median total compensation for employees was $279,802 in 2022, while CEO Sundar Pichai's compensation was 808 times higher.

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