Apple car to arrive in 2028

By Dwaipayan Roy


EV project delayed

Apple's electric vehicle (EV) project, initially planned as a fully autonomous car, is now set to launch no earlier than 2028 with Level 2+ partial automation. 


Limited self-driving

The Apple Car will offer limited self-driving features like lane centering and braking/accelerating support, similar to Tesla's Autopilot. 


Pivotal project moment

This change in direction is considered a "pivotal moment" for the project, with its success determining its future. 


European partnerships

Apple has discussed its revised strategy with potential European manufacturing partners and still aims for a Level 4 autonomous system eventually. 


Leadership decisions

CEO Tim Cook, the Apple board, and project head Kevin Lynch were involved in the decision-making process, with the company having invested heavily in Project Titan since the mid-2010s. 

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