Want to visit Mars? NASA has something planned for you
What's the story
It may take years for the first human to step on Mars, but the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has come up with a unique way for you to mark a visit to the Red Planet.
Although to be specific, it would only be your name that will take the trip, while NASA will give you a boarding pass as a souvenir.
Press Release
Humanity's first round trip to another planet, says NASA
In a press release on Tuesday, NASA said that as a mark of "initial leg of humanity's first round trip to another planet," it is giving an opportunity to people to send their names, to be stencilled on chips, aboard the Mars 2020 rover.
Reportedly, the rover will be launched as early as July 2020 and it will reach the planet in February 2021.
What is the purpose of the rover to Mars?
Meanwhile, the rover, which weighs over 1,000kg, is a robotic scientist whose purpose is to "search for signs of past microbial life, characterize the planet's climate and geology, collect samples for future return to Earth, and pave the way for human exploration" on Mars.
'We want everyone to share in this journey of exploration'
On this occasion, Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD), said, "As we get ready to launch this historic Mars mission, we want everyone to share in this journey of exploration."
"It's an exciting time for NASA, as we embark on this voyage to answer profound questions about our neighbouring planet, and even the origins of life itself," Thomas added.
Twitter Post
'Let's go to Mars', NASA tweets details on Tuesday
Want to go to Mars?
— NASA (@NASA) May 22, 2019
Here’s the next best thing: an opportunity to send your name along for the ride to the Red Planet aboard our #Mars2020 rover. Be sure to get your boarding pass + find out more in this @Twitter moment: https://t.co/R8RTY7PsuG
Here is a direct link to send in your names
The process of sending your name is extremely simple. Here's what you've to do:
1- Go to the official link- here
2- Fill in your personal details
3- Click on 'Send my name to Mars' tab
4- You will see your souvenir boarding pass, which you can print/download
Moreover, you can also check the "frequent flyer" points you have earned through the 'trip'.
All names will be etched on a tiny silicon chip
For all you curious souls, the press release said that your name will be etched on a silicon chip, with letters of size smaller than the width of your hair. This size will help NASA to put over a million names on one chip.
Last date
Excited much? Submit your names by September 30
Moreover, one or more chips will be riding the rover under a glass cover.
All the names should be submitted by September 30.
Although this a rare opportunity for public, this is not the first time that NASA is doing something like this.
Over two million names were affixed on to its InSight lander to Mars, which reached the planet last year.