Donald Trump supports guns for teachers to check school shootings
What's the story
American President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested arming teachers to curb school shootings in the US. He also supported making improved and detailed background checks mandatory for buying guns.
During an hour-long listening session at the White House with about 40 students, teachers and families touched by gun violence, he said a teacher with a gun could stop an attack "very quickly".
Here's more.
More guns is not the answer
Though a few people at the meeting agreed with Trump's suggestion of arming teachers, some echoed the prominent sentiment, calling it bullshit.
"Nobody wants to see a shoot-out in a school," said Mark Barden, whose son was killed in 2012's Sandy Hook school shooting.
"Schoolteachers have more than enough responsibilities right now, than to have the awesome responsibility to take a life," he added.
Why won't Trump ban guns ever?
Trump's proposal was in response to heartfelt pleas of Parkland shooting survivors, who implored him to take action.
Instead of banning guns, Trump wanting to officially bring them to schools doesn't surprise anyone since he has always pushed the idea of an armed citizenry.
Notably, the National Rifle Association that advocates free flow of guns, contributed about $30 million to help Trump become president.
Seeking change
Students take out rallies, demand 'common sense' reforms
In a first anti-gun protest by youths since last week's Parkland shooting, hundreds of students rallied outside the White House prior to Trump's meeting.
Showing solidarity, teens in Chicago, Pittsburgh and Phoenix abandoned classes.
The Florida state capital was flooded by survivors demanding restrictions on sales of assault rifles.
However, despite the poignant calls for urgent reform, legislators refused to even discuss banning guns.