If Twitter is universe, CEO Jack Dorsey thinks he's God
What's the story
It is tough being God. You can't say to your followers that they need to see another God, you can't wonder what you are doing with your life, and you can't catch a break.
Now, what happens if you are not God, but you suffer from God complex? You start thinking it is your responsibility to fix the world.
That's exactly what goes in the mind of the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey.
Do you know?
Silicon Valley is fashionably Liberal
What Shiva is to Mansarovar, tech entrepreneurs are to Silicon Valley. They have created it, they run it on their whims and fancies, and they are not answerable to anyone. They also have the big desire to make the world a more liberal place.
Quite an irony
The champions of free speech ban what they don't like
Now, you will ask - what is wrong if world becomes more liberal? Hold this thought.
Let's first hear it from the Dorsey's mouth. Previously, he said Twitter employees with conservative views don't feel safe in "expressing themselves". And, by his own admission, Twitter has more left leaning employees than right.
Now, imagine these employees writing algorithms/protocols to ban accounts, label tweets as hate speech, or flag the content inappropriate.
Do you think those algorithms are unbiased then? Exactly!
Make no mistake: Their agenda is far sinister
Yet, biased algorithms is just the beginning. The compulsive desire to control the world is far deeper, the agenda far sinister.
In his head, Dorsey celebrates pluralism, smashes Brahminical patriarchy. He is the voice of the unheard, champion of free speech, first of his name, protector of the realm.
But, you can't disagree with him. Because if you do, he shadow bans you on his platform.
And, what is the modus operandi
On Twitter, Dorsey is God, and a narcissist one at that.
They use every trick out of the bag if you don't agree with the Lord's ways. Your retweets would be abruptly reduced (#AapBeeti), the reach would be drastically controlled (#AapBeeti), you will never get that blue tick (#AapBeeti).
And, if you still won't toe the line, your account will be blocked.
Twitter Post
One of many examples of tyranny
This is really shocking @rishibagree was NEVER abusive, always sane and factual. On what basis has @TwitterIndia suspended his account? What is the parliamentary committee doing? @jack what are you so scared off? pic.twitter.com/LO1jKEMx0a
— Shefali Vaidya ஷெஃபாலி வைத்யா शेफाली वैद्य (@ShefVaidya) April 17, 2019
Gora Sahab
Our voice is stifled, but Modi government lives in oblivion
This arm-twisting, or as my friend says goondagardi by gora sahab, has been going on for a while.
In February'19, Youth for Social Media Democracy, a pro-right organization, staged a protest outside the Twitter office alleging the right-wing handles were targeted.
Subsequently, Parliamentary panel on Information Technology summoned top brass of Twitter.
But, Dorsey refused to come. Plain refusal to world's biggest democracy.
Post that, what did the Modi government (reeling under inferiority complex) do? Nothing.
"The greatest product Jack Dorsey ever made was Jack Dorsey"
Coming back to Dorsey, he is many things. At 42, he is the CEO of two public limited companies. In many ways, he defines success.
He is a designer, a coder, a visionary, an innovator. He knows what turns people on, and he works hard to deliver it.
He created Twitter which is as imperfect as universe, but he is not God.
God's surname is dammit, not Dorsey!