Trump's campaign manager Bannon's ex-wife accuses him of anti-Semitism
What's the story
According to court papers, an ex-wife of Bannon, Mary Piccard, has claimed that Bannon made anti-Semitic remarks when they fought over sending their daughters to private school a decade ago.
Bannon didn't want the girls going to school with Jews as he doesn't like the way Jews raise their kids to be whiney brats.
Trump's spokeswoman denied that he had made any such remarks.
Reasons for dismissal
Trump's previous campaign managers
Trump's first campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was a former police officer who became embroiled in nasty rows with journalists and was charged with allegations that he forcefully grabbed reporter Michelle Fields' arm at an event.
Lewandowski's successor, Paul Manafort was associated with controversial figures including African tyrants, like Somalian Siad Barre, and the pro-Russia political party of Ukraine's former President Viktor Yanukyovych.
Who is Steve Bannon?
Stephen K. Bannon is an American businessman, media executive, conservative filmmaker, and an ex-naval officer. In August 2016, he became CEO of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. He is the co-founder and executive chairman of Government Accountability Institute.
28 Aug 2016
Trump's Campaign Chief faced domestic abuse charges
A 1st January 1996 California police report states that Bannon was accused of domestic violence 20-years ago.
It details an altercation between Bannon and his then-spouse Mary Louise Piccard, that left her with red marks on her left wrist and on the neck's right side.
The charges included misdemeanor, domestic violence, dissuading a witness, that were dropped in August 1996, leading to divorce.
28 Aug 2016
Bannon's potential voter fraud scandal
Trump's campaign CEO Stephen Bannon is registered to vote under an address of an abandoned house where he doesn't actually live in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
Bannon never lived in the house himself, but instead rented it for his ex-wife, Diane Clohesy, a Tea Party activist, who moved out earlier this year.
Trump's campaign has insisted that Bannon lives in Florida, but at another location.
Florida's voting law
Under Florida law, voters must be legal residents of the State where they register. Legal residency is the place "where a person mentally intends to make his permanent-residence". Submitting false information on Florida voter-registration is a third-degree felony, punishable for upto 5-years in prison.