Desperate Syrian refugees sell organs for sustenance
What's the story
The desperate state of Syrian refugees has led to a boom in organ trafficking as their desperation has forced them to sell organs for money.
Abu Jaafar who recently spoke to a BBC reporter revealed that though he dealt in illegal trade, he was helping people in need who would otherwise have died.
Jaafar had facilitated 30 organ deliveries in the last 3 years.
Dreams to reach Europe force refugees to sell organs
The illicit trade of human organs in the Middle East has swelled as Syrian refugees have started selling their organs to reach Europe.
There are social media pages devoted to such trade with specific price lists.
The refugees use this money to pay the middlemen who then ship them on unseaworthy ships to Europe.
The Vatican too has addressed this issue of illegal trade.
Do you know?
Price lists for kidney over social media
In Kenya, the refugees can get $650 a kidney and as much as $300,000 in South Africa and Europe. The smuggling fee is approximately $1000 per person (to Europe).
04 Jan 2017
Middle-East - the reason for the booming organ trade
The organ demand in the Middle East was at an all time high as the culture there does not allow for organ donation and people opt for immediate burial.
Egypt and Turkey had become as the epicenters for trade replacing China and the Philippines.
Moreover, the reports found a direct link between organ trafficking and funding to terrorist networks mainly the IS.
Plight of the Palestinian
Palestinians easy targets for the organ trade
Amongst the refugees, those from Palestine make easy targets as they receive no aid from Lebanon.
Already recognized as refugees in Syria, they are not eligible to be re-registered as refugees when they arrive in Lebanon by the UN and hence don't receive aid.
Unable to work, they resort to organ trade to support their families.