Thousands in Paris oppose same-sex marriage
What's the story
Six months prior to the presidential election in France, its capital Paris witnessed scores of people demonstrating against same-sex marriage.
The protest took place at Trocadero Plaza near the Eiffel Tower.
Use of assisted reproduction techniques and surrogate mothers helping same-sex couples have children was also protested against.
Organizers of the march are supporters of the "one mother and one father" family model.
LGBT rights around the world
10 countries of the world deem homosexuality an act punishable by death. They are Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Mauritania and UAE.
Homosexuality is illegal in 65 countries including India and Pakistan.
22 countries allow same-sex marriages, some of which are Canada, USA, Brazil, Portugal, New Zealand, Argentina, Luxembourg, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden.
Rights of the LGBT in France
Traditionally, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in France have been perceived as some of the most advanced in Europe and worldwide.
In the year 2013, France became the thirteenth country to legalize same-sex marriage.
Transgenders in France have lawful rights to change their gender and in 2009, France was the first country worldwide that de-classified transgenderism as a mental illness.
Civil solidarity pacts
Civil solidarity pacts (PACS) symbolize a civil union between two adults in the form of a contract.
The rights and responsibilities associated with the contract are similar to but lesser than a marriage.
The French Parliament voted for PACS in November 1999 mostly to extend a secure, legal status to same-sex couples.
Couples entering this contract are offered legal protections similar to marriages.
Evolution of the legalities of same-sex marriages in France
A 2006 parliamentary report recommended that marriage, adoption and assisted reproduction for same-sex couples contradict numerous articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
On 14th June 2011, the National Assembly of France voted 293-222 against legalizing same-sex marriage.
President Françoise Hollande in his 2012 presidential election campaign included legalizing same-sex marriage in his government engagements.
The 2013 bill
Legalizing same-sex marriage
On assuming Presidency on 6th May 2012, Hollande vowed to legalize same-sex marriage before spring 2013.
On 2nd February, 2013, the first article of the bill was approved by the National Assembly by 249 votes against 97.
On 17th May, President Françoise Hollande announced the bill and it was officially published on 18th May.
France's first official same-sex marriage ceremony occurred on 29th May.
Hiccups in the procedure
The debate over legalizing same-sex marriage spanned across several days as more than 5,000 amendments were introduced by the opponents to delay the procedure of the bill's passage.
Protestors' remarks
Slogans such as "A father and a mother - it's hereditary" and "In 2017, I will vote for the family" were held up by the protesters as they marched through the Place de la Concorde towards the Eiffel Tower.
India and LGBT rights
The Indian Government and civil society regard the subject of homosexuality as taboo.
Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code criminalizes sexual acts between the same gender. Punishment for the same is life imprisonment.
According to figures submitted by the Indian Government to the apex court in 2012, there are 2.5 million recorded homosexuals in India.