NASA: News

05 Jun 2023


NASA and SpaceX to launch CRS-28 mission to ISS today

SpaceX will launch the 28th Commercial Resupply Services (CRS-28) mission to the International Space Station (ISS) for NASA today.

02 Jun 2023

Space News

Top discoveries of NASA's Kepler telescope: Exoplanets and more

Space telescopes give us stunning glimpses of the cosmos and help astronomers gain better insights into the universe.

02 Jun 2023


Boeing postpones launch of first crewed Starliner flight yet again

Boeing has yet again delayed the first-ever launch of its Starliner astronaut capsule for NASA. The postponement comes after the firm discovered major safety issues with the spacecraft last week.

01 Jun 2023

Space News

NASA's Webb telescope maps 'ultra-hot' exoplanet, finds water in atmosphere

Exoplanets are key targets for astronomers in the search for potentially habitable worlds.

31 May 2023


SpaceX sends 52 Starlink broadband satellites to orbit

SpaceX has successfully launched 52 Starlink satellites today (May 31).

NASA's Webb spots giant vapor plume on Saturn's moon Enceladus

Researchers using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have mapped a massive plume of water vapor arising from Saturn's moon Enceladus.

30 May 2023

Space Science

NASA to use deep space food production for future astronauts

NASA is planning long-duration crewed space expeditions, and an ample food supply would be crucial to success.

29 May 2023

Space News

NASA's Hubble telescope captures 'catastrophic' aftermath of star explosion

A spiral galaxy, called NGC 298, takes up the center stage in the latest image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

26 May 2023

Space News

NASA launches final set of satellites part of hurricane-tracking mission

NASA has successfully launched the second set of satellites as part of the TROPICS mission, short for Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats.

Latest discoveries by NASA's 33-year-old Hubble Space Telescope

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is among the most powerful space observatories. To date, the telescope has probed more than 40,000 cosmic objects, providing views that are not possible with ground-based telescopes.

24 May 2023

Black Hole

Hubble telescope may have discovered a rare 'intermediate-sized' black hole

'Intermediate-sized' black holes are particularly difficult to spot but NASA's Hubble Space Telescope may have just found one.

24 May 2023


In a first, NASA observes a polar cyclone on Uranus

For the first time, NASA scientists have found strong evidence of a polar cyclone on Uranus. The phenomenon was observed at the north pole of the planet.

23 May 2023

Climate Change

NASA approves PolSIR mission for better understanding of Earth's atmosphere

NASA has greenlit a new mission that will aid in understanding the dynamic nature of Earth's atmosphere.

22 May 2023

Space News

NASA's Hubble telescope finds jellyfish galaxy 900 million light-years away

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has snapped a stunning image of a jellyfish galaxy. The new image offers several details of the spiral galaxy, including its trailing tendrils.

22 May 2023


NASA shares details of 5 asteroids hurtling toward Earth today

As many as five asteroids, ranging from 36 to 300 feet, are headed in the direction of our home planet.

20 May 2023

Blue Origin

Blue Origin to build NASA's second human-landing system on Moon

NASA has selected a Blue Origin-led aerospace team to build the second lunar landing framework for its Artemis program.

18 May 2023

Space News

Astronomers discover a volcano-covered exoplanet that may have atmosphere

Researchers have discovered an Earth-size exoplanet, beyond our solar system, that could be teeming with volcanoes.

17 May 2023


'World may see record warming': NASA scientist tracking El Nino

A NASA satellite, which monitors sea levels, has spotted early signs of El Nino—a periodic climate phenomenon—from space.

JWST finds water around rare comet but scientists are puzzled

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected water around a rare comet lying in the main asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.

15 May 2023


NASA terminates Lunar Flashlight mission: What went wrong 

NASA has terminated its Lunar Flashlight mission, which was designed to look for ice in the permanently shadowed craters of the Moon's south pole.

12 May 2023

Space News

NASA establishes fastest space-to-ground laser communications link: Know its significance

NASA, along with its collaborators, has scored another significant milestone in space communications.

JWST's recent discoveries: From alien asteroid belt to early universe

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been providing spectacular glimpses of the cosmos since it commenced operations.

08 May 2023


NASA's latest satellites will help track hurricanes better: Here's how

NASA has launched two small satellites into the low Earth orbit (LEO) which can help better monitor hurricanes.

05 May 2023

Space News

Coronal Mass Ejection heading toward Earth after massive solar eruption

The Sun appears to be in a very active state. On Thursday, it was reported that sunspot AR3296 exploded, setting off solar flares which caused radio blackouts on Earth, particularly over Africa.

04 May 2023

Space News

Eta Aquarids meteor shower peaks today: How to watch

The Eta Aquarids meteor shower, which is known for its speed, will peak on May 4-5, per NASA.

04 May 2023


Saturn is losing its iconic rings but why

Saturn's ring system has long enthralled astronomers but the iconic rings are in danger.

02 May 2023

Black Hole

How big are supermassive black holes? NASA's animation provides answer

Supermassive black holes lie at the center of all large galaxies, including the Milky Way. These cosmic objects weigh between 100,000 and tens of billions of times the mass of the Sun.

NASA's Webb detects water vapor but source remains a mystery

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected hints of water vapor but researchers are not sure, as yet, if the signals are from a rocky planet or the star it orbits.

02 May 2023


Everything about the NASA-Astrobotic Peregrine Moon mission

Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic has developed the Peregrine Mission 1 (PM1) which could soon launch to the Moon.

27 Apr 2023


How NASA scientists extracted oxygen from lunar soil simulant

NASA wants to establish a long-term presence on the Moon, and it appears like the space agency is inching closer toward its goal.

24 Apr 2023

Space News

NASA's Hubble Telescope marks 33 years in space: Top achievements

This day, 33 years ago, NASA's Hubble Telescope took to space. The observatory has made well over 1.5 million observations, since its launch in 1990.

18 Apr 2023

Space News

How NASA will bring back a defunct satellite to Earth

A defunct NASA satellite, dubbed Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), will make its way to Earth soon.

18 Apr 2023

Space Science

Meet the volunteers of NASA's year-long Mars analog mission

NASA recently unveiled its Mars simulation habitat, where volunteers would live for a year to test what life would be like on the Red Planet during future missions.

14 Apr 2023

Space News

Lyrids meteor shower 2023: How and when to watch

Starting tomorrow, you will be able to observe the Lyrids meteor shower, known for its fast and bright meteors.

14 Apr 2023

Black Hole

NASA's JWST finds black hole from the beginning of time

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) may have discovered the oldest black hole ever. Webb's onboard equipment allows it to look back to the earliest phases of the universe.

14 Apr 2023

Space News

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover can now drive faster

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover will be able to drive faster, thanks to the new software update that was installed on the robot.

11 Apr 2023

Space News

NASA's Hubble telescope spots 'jellyfish galaxy' 600 million light-years away

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured an intriguing 'jellyfish galaxy.'

08 Apr 2023

Black Hole

NASA's Hubble finds black hole with weight of 20-million Suns

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured a supermassive black hole and researchers say nothing like it has ever been seen before in the universe.

07 Apr 2023

Air Pollution

NASA SpaceX's TEMPO mission will monitor air pollution every hour

NASA, in partnership with SpaceX, has launched an air-quality monitoring mission called TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions Monitoring of Pollution Instrument).