NASA: News

NASA's JWST captures Uranus's ring system in stunning details

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured extraordinary details of Uranus, ranging from the planet's spectacular ring system to features of the atmosphere.

06 Apr 2023

Perseverance Rover

NASA's Perseverance picks new Martian sample: What's special about it

NASA's Perseverance Rover (Percy) has picked up the first Martian sample as part of its new science campaign.

06 Apr 2023

Perseverance Rover

NASA's Mars Helicopter Ingenuity breaks records, flies higher than ever

NASA's Mars Ingenuity Helicopter has shattered records, once again. The chopper flew higher and faster than before during its 49th flight which happened on April 2.

05 Apr 2023


SpaceX plans to launch Starship's first test flight next week

SpaceX's Starship rocket could go on its first orbital test flight next week, as per a notice shared by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

How NASA's James Webb telescope spotted the oldest-ever galaxies

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has spotted four of the most ancient galaxies that have been known to date.

04 Apr 2023

Artemis 1

Meet NASA's Artemis 2 astronauts who will venture around Moon

After the success of Artemis 1, NASA is making headway with Artemis 2 lunar mission.

03 Apr 2023


NASA skywatching guide: Celestial events you shouldn't miss this April

According to NASA, this month will be a great one for observing various astronomical events in the night sky.

How NASA's AI-powered tool will warn about "dangerous space weather"

Thanks to weather forecasting centers, we are warned well in advance about adverse weather events on Earth.

31 Mar 2023

Artemis 1

Meet Amit Kshatriya, the Indian-American scientist heading NASA's Moon-to-Mars program

NASA has set up a new and vital Moon to Mars Program Office at its headquarters in Washington. Amit Kshatriya—an Indian-American scientist—has been appointed as the first head of the office.

30 Mar 2023


Nokia plans to launch 4G on Moon by this year

Nokia is planning to launch 4G services on the Moon, with the aim of facilitating lunar discoveries.

NASA's JWST detects exoplanet's temperature for first time: Know how

Researchers have used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to measure the temperature of a rocky Earth-like exoplanet called TRAPPIST-1 b.

How AI can help find life beyond Earth

The hunt for life beyond our home planet is bound to get easier in the future. Scientists have developed a new machine learning tool that could help look for signs of life on Mars and other extraterrestrial bodies.

23 Mar 2023

Space News

Massive hole, 30 times Earth's size, spotted on the Sun

A massive hole, called the coronal hole, was spotted on the Sun by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The giant hole can fit about 20-30 Earths across.

21 Mar 2023

Artemis 1

Key facts about world's most powerful rocket, built by NASA

NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) is the most powerful rocket ever built.

20 Mar 2023

Global Warming

How NASA's 30-year satellite data helped monitor sea level rise

Satellite data recorded by NASA's missions, including TOPEX/Poseidon over thirty years, has helped scientists estimate the rise in sea level globally.

17 Mar 2023

Space News

Scientists find the first-ever active volcano on Venus: Its significance

For the first time, scientists have found direct evidence of an active volcano on Venus.

16 Mar 2023

Space Science

New-generation spacesuit for NASA Artemis astronauts: Here's dissecting them

NASA has revealed the next-generation spacesuit for astronauts that will go on the Artemis moon-landing missions.

How NASA's Webb captured the rare sight of dying star

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured the rare sight of a dying star right before it goes out with a supernova explosion.

14 Mar 2023


Scientists find substance that might have kickstarted life on Earth

We might be one step closer to discovering how life came to be on our home planet.

14 Mar 2023


Why Jovian moon Europa's shell rotates differently than its interior

A new study offers insights into why Jupiter's moon Europa rotates at a different rate than its interior.

How NASA will crash ISS into Pacific Ocean in 2031

The International Space Station (ISS) will be operational until 2030 and NASA intends to bring down the orbiting space lab in early 2031 by safely crashing it into the Pacific Ocean.

Here's how these astronauts grew tomatoes on the ISS

NASA's SpaceX Crew-5 astronauts safely returned to Earth from the International Space Station on Sunday (March 12).

12 Mar 2023


NASA-SpaceX Crew-5 astronauts return from ISS after five-month mission

The NASA-SpaceX Crew-5 mission has officially come to an end.

How ISRO will launch the world's most expensive Earth-imaging satellite

ISRO will launch NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar), touted as the world's most expensive Earth-imaging satellite, in January 2024. It is estimated to cost around $1.5 billion.

How ISS evaded an imminent collision with an approaching satellite

The International Space Station (ISS) had to swerve out of the way of an Earth-imaging satellite on March 6.

09 Mar 2023

Artemis 1

NASA Artemis 2 to launch in 2024: Know its significance

After a series of delays, NASA successfully launched Artemis 1 in November 2022. It was an uncrewed mission that set out to test the Orion spacecraft and the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket.

09 Mar 2023

Climate Change

How NASA has measured the carbon footprint of 100+ countries

NASA, with the help of an Earth-orbiting satellite, has measured carbon dioxide emissions for more than 100 countries around the world.

08 Mar 2023

Space News

NASA DART mission's new results confirm we can deflect asteroids

Deflecting asteroids in the future should not be a task, thanks to NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission.

What is NASA's upcoming CRS mission to the ISS

NASA will send the 27th SpaceX Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) mission to the International Space Station (ISS) this month. The launch will occur from Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

06 Mar 2023

Space News

How do Martian sand dunes differ from those on Earth

Dunes are familiar features on Earth and they also occur on Mars, Venus, and Saturn's moon, Titan. Among all the extraterrestrial dunes that scientists know about, those on the Red Planet have been closely studied.

02 Mar 2023


NASA-SpaceX Crew-6 mission takes off to International Space Station

SpaceX-NASA's Crew-6 mission has successfully taken off to the International Space Station.

Glitch or mystery: JWST captures galaxy thrice in single image

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) makes exciting discoveries on a regular basis. Now, it has captured an image in which a galaxy within cluster RX J2129 appears thrice.

27 Feb 2023


NASA-SpaceX Crew-6 mission to ISS canceled due to ground issues

The NASA-SpaceX Crew-6 mission which was supposed to head off to the International Space Station (ISS) today, has been scrubbed.

24 Feb 2023

Space News

Massive sunspot has quadrupled in size raising solar flare warnings

A massive sunspot, called AR3234, has quadrupled in size, according to observations from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).

24 Feb 2023


Study sheds light on the mysterious happenings on Venus's surface

It is well-understood how Earth loses its heat but that is not the case with our neighboring planet, Venus.

NASA-SpaceX Crew-6 to launch soon: Key facts about the mission

NASA-SpaceX Crew-6 mission will soon take off for the International Space Station. The launch is scheduled for February 27 from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

NASA, SpaceX delay launch of Crew-6 mission to February 27

NASA and SpaceX have decided to delay the launch of Crew-6, a crewed mission to the International Space Station.

22 Feb 2023

Nature Communications

Rovers may not identify signs of life on Mars: Study

A new study reveals that the robots currently probing Mars might not be capable to hunt down traces of life on the Red Planet.

21 Feb 2023


Bridge-sized asteroid will come close to Earth today, warns NASA

A massive bridge-sized asteroid, dubbed VB 1993, will make a close approach to Earth today (February 21).

21 Feb 2023

Space News

NASA's Hubble spots three galaxies that are set to collide

A new image captured by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveals three galaxies that are set on a collision course.