Reports reveal N.Korea highest, Denmark lowest on corruption
What's the story
Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index ranked North Korea and Somalia (scoring 8 out of 100) at the bottom (maximum corruption) of the public sector corruption list.
Denmark was at the top of the list for the second time, scoring 91, for transparency in public sector dealings.
Overall, two-thirds of the 168 countries scored below 50 and the average score of the report was 43.
What is public sector corruption?
Public sector corruption refers to the misuse of public power or one's position to get an undue private advantage for oneself or others.
It includes instances of bribery, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, trading in influence and perverting the course of justice.
Such practices hamper the efficiency of public services, undermine confidence in public institutions and increase the cost of public transactions.
The basis of the rankings
The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries using a range of factors including leniency in handling corruption cases of political/governmental leaders, the prevalence of bribery and public institutions' response to citizens needs.
Other ranks
Report indicates corruption is rampant globally
The rankings showed that public sector corruption was still a major global problem.
UK, Sweden, Germany and Singapore have shown improvement in their ranks. Hungary, Poland and Turkey of Europe and Central Asia were the low-scorers on the list.
US has risen from its previous rank but the situation continues to be grim for lower ranking nations like Azerbaijan, Russia and Sierre Leone.
India's rank improves but score remains the same
India improved its rank to 76th position in the Corruption Perceptions Index(CPI) of 2015, an improvement from 85 in 2014 and 94 in 2013.
Although the score has improved from 36 in 2013 to 38 in 2014, it has remained same at 38 in 2015.
The common man continue to face rampant corruption across all levels of the government right from the grassroot level.
Pakistan too successfully cutting corruption
Pakistan's score is consistently improving from 28 in 2013 to 29 in 2014 and 30 in 2015.
Its rank is also showing commensurate progress from 127 in 2013 to 126 in 2014 and 117 in 2015.
Transparency International Pakistan Chairman said that Pakistan was aiming for a better rank by ensuring on-ground measures for the implementation of zero tolerance for corruption.
27 Jan 2016
Countries fall prey to massive scandals
TI stated that the world's major economies were struggling to mitigate corruption citing massive scandals.
Brazil showed the biggest decline over the corruption scandal involving 'Petrobras'.
Malaysia slid in its rank owing to the graft allegations surrounding its PM Rajak.
The inflow of illicit foreign funds into Australia's property market was cited as a reason for its poor performance by TI Australia chairman Whealy.
What was the Petrobas scandal?
Brazilian giant Petrobras, colluded with politicians and other businessmen, to siphon off millions from the company through bribes and rigged contracts.