English footballer's dying wish-ashes to be scattered in Mizoram
What's the story
Family members of Herbert Winston Vaughan, an English footballer, arrived at the Assam Rifles Lammual ground in Aizwal, the capital of Mizoram, and scattered his ashes.
Herbert's son John said, "My father's dying wish, which he asked my mother to fulfill, was to have his ashes scattered on the field where he used to play most of his football during his days in Mizoram."
About Herbert Vaughan
Herbert Winston Vaughan was born on 2nd August, 1926 and became a soldier with the British Army's medical corps.
In 1944, Herbert was posted in Mizoram, soon after which he started playing football in the Assam Rifles ground of Aizawl.
A year later, he married Rokamlovi, a girl from one of Mizoram's prominent political families.
After Independence, Vaughan decided to stay back in India.
Herbert Vaughan - the footballer
Herbert used to play as a goalkeeper and was nicknamed 'Jumbo' for his efficient football-playing skills.
Herbert Vaughan's life
Post independence, Herbert started working with Burma Oil along with playing football at the side.
It was only in the 1960s that he moved to Sheffield in England.
There, he was a staunch supporter of the Sheffield United football club.
The Vaughans stayed married for 70 years, and had 10 children, 23 grandchildren and 29 great-grand children.
Santosh Trophy 2014
Despite having moved to England, Herbert kept himself updated with games happening back in Mizoram. When the state won the Santosh Trophy in 2014, Herbert sent a congratulatory message to the MFA (Mizoram Football Association).
Best goalkeeper
Lalnghinglova Hmar, secretary of the Mizoram Football Association said, "Herbert played for Aizawl Eleven and was known as the best goalkeeper in eastern India in those days. Some say he introduced the art of diving among goalkeepers in the Northeast."