Over 1,000% rise in Islamophobic cases since Trump took office
What's the story
The Council on American-Islamic Relations has reported that in the four months since US President Donald Trump took office in January, Islamophobic incidents by Customs and Border Protection officials have increased by 1,035%.
Instances involving officials profiling Muslims made up 23% of their cases from January-March 2017. 193 cases were related to CBPs, compared to just 17 in the same period last year.
Cases since January travel ban higher than last three years
181 cases were reported after the January 27 travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries. This is higher than the 136 profiling cases CAIR registered in three years.
Corey Saylor, director of CAIR's Department to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia, attributed the rise primarily to Trump's crackdown on illegal migrants and the January 27 travel ban.
He added the group rejects 50% of reported cases.
'Judge Muslim woman by hijab', advised border official in 2013
Saylor stated a 2013 statement by a CBP official: "Look to Muslim women as an indicating factor. By the way she wears her hijab. If the hijab is a solid colour, it indicates religiosity. If it's patterned, with colours, it's likely she is less religious."