#GamingBytes: Tips to help you snipe better in Apex Legends
What's the story
Playing a Battle Royale game on PC can be overwhelming for beginners.
Apex Legends handles this issue by giving an in-depth tutorial.
There are, however, some things that even the in-game tutorial can't teach you. One of them is how to be a good sniper.
But fret not, here are some tips to help you become a better sniper and (hopefully) win every game!
Tip #1
Know and understand the game's guns
Each of the game's four snipers comes with its own distinct qualities like damage, reload time, and ammo type.
Kraber is a bolt-action sniper that uses special ammo and is the best gun in the game.
The next best is Triple Take, having a shotgun-like firing pattern.
The Longbow and Scout are good guns but do limited damage and work best with headshots.
Tip #2
Search for vantage points in the beginning
Your location matters a lot while sniping.
It's imperative that you quickly find a good vantage point, preferably at a high altitude.
This will give you the freedom to move with a panoramic view of the area. As soon as you spot an enemy, kill away!
If possible, play as Wraith. She moves fast and her abilities can help you evade any dangerous situation.
Tip #3
All snipers, except Kraber, can use attachments, don't forget those
All snipers, except the legendary Kraber, can use attachments.
The Longbow can use all mods, including extended magazines, optics/scopes, barrels (to lower the recoil), stocks (to improve stability, accuracy) and hop-ups (for additional firing modes).
Scout can't be upgraded with a hop-up and Triple Take can't use an extended mag, barrel.
Also, scopes can tell you the distance between you and your enemy.
Tip #4
Move undetected, concentrate hard, avoid using snipers in close combat
Sniping is a game of patience.
You have to move undetected and ensure that your location is secure. In case you give away your location, change it as soon as possible.
When sniping, you have to make the best use of your senses, so concentrate hard. If your target is moving, aim along its projected movement path.
Do not use snipers for close combat.