#GamingBytes: Pokemon Go's invitation raids changed for the first time
What's the story
Pokemon Go had launched invitation based EX Raids, last year, along with introduction of Mewtwo.
The exclusivity of the raids had long frustrated many gamers but Niantic is shaking things up.
Apart from introducing a new Pokemon, it is also making the raiding system smoother for all gamers.
This is expected to make capturing of the new mythical Pokemon, easier.
Read about it here.
What are EX Raids?
EX Raids are the exclusive raids in Pokemon Go. They are invitation based events, where players can encounter certain Pokemon. Players, around the world, are given the opportunity to battle and capture these Pokemon. The first raid had Mewtwo, the legendary first generation Pokemon.
The new Pokemon on the block
The most exciting thing about the new raids is Deoxys, the Mythic rarity Pokemon.
Such Pokemon like Mew and Celebi could not be traded or transferred in-game. However, since they came from research quests rather than raids, different rules may apply in this case.
Notably, Deoxys has normal, attack, speed and defense versions.
The normal version will be available first and others will follow.
Do you know?
Step aside for the newest Pokemon in the game
With the introduction of Deoxys, Mewtwo no longer holds its position as the only Pokemon available through EX-raids. Mewtwo will be made available in normal raids now, and UK gamers will get their first Mewtwo raids on September 21.
How will the EX Raids work now?
The game will now flag EX Raid gyms. This means that when gamers view the gyms, they will have a better idea which ones to raid to trigger the EX Raid invitation.
Notably, these gyms are usually found in the public parks.
The new raid allows players to invite an in-game friend but they have to be Ultra or Best Friends with them.