#GamingBytes: 5 games that didn't match our expectations
What's the story
For those unaware, the studios do lots of promotions before they release a game.
Post the initial reveal, there are numerous gameplay videos and trailers which come out.
All this builds up the hype around the game. Fans wait eagerly for these games so they can live the experience.
Unfortunately, few games fail to deliver on their promises.
Check out five such games.
Assassin's Creed
Liberty, fraternity but not too good Unity
Assassin's Creed Unity is a classic example of Ubisoft rushing to release one game every year.
The gameplay remained disappointingly similar. The backdrop of the Paris revolution was a saving grace but watching Parisians protesting on every street became boring.
The glitches in the game like faces not appearing, left a bad taste.
Coupled with repetitive quests and side-missions, Unity was disappointing.
No Man's Sky
Won't be a fool no more
No Man's Sky by Hello Games was overhyped. Unfortunately, a lot of people, myself included fell for it.
A large space exploration game, where players could visit planets, and discover new resources and life forms, was reduced to a farming simulator.
The developers scrapped lots of initial promises like planetary physics, radio chatter.
Too much hype crashed in dismal disappointment.
Mass Effect 3
It's too late to apologize
Mass Effect 3 by EA was not a bad game.
The galaxy development, the alien species and the immense history and stories that were in the game alone, delivered an excellent experience for gamers.
However, the ending was so botched up that the player choices only determined the color of an explosion.
Fans were so riled that they petitioned for a different ending!
Watch Dogs
The right idea, the wrong execution
Watch Dogs by Ubisoft promised to be like GTA, open world and based in Chicago.
Its focus on hacking and technology made it exciting.
However, when it came to the actual gameplay, it fell short. The novelty of hacking soon wore off and got boring. The driving controls and side missions were shoddy.
Aiden's character was the saving grace in an otherwise disappointing game.
Duke Nukem Forever
A collection of restless moments ending in disappointment
Duke Nukem 3D was an immensely popular game in 1996. It had hardcore action, catchy one-liners. Everything gamers love in a shooting game.
However, the sequel Duke Nukem Forever was just as ill received.
Firstly, the sequel came out in 2011 despite having been in the works for a long time. The technology changed as did the developers.
The result was an absolute mess!