#GamingBytes: Top 5 tips to win PUBG duo games
What's the story
PUBG has been delivering one of the most realistic 'Battle Royale' experiences.
As players must have realized by now, the strategy to win 'chicken dinner' depends on the mode you are playing.
Duo mode is, perhaps, the most difficult one to play as picking out lone players is tough.
Nonetheless, if you play smartly, it is winnable.
Here are 5 tips to win duos.
Co-ordination and communication are your two Gods
Duos are all about synchronization.
It is absolutely necessary for partners to communicate and co-ordinate with each other.
Land at the same place and split up to loot, but stick close to each other. If you spot enemies, call them out by the geographical co-ordinate and where they are headed.
The more synergy you have, the deadlier you'll be.
Stick together
Be the best wingman, never leave your partner
One important reminder in duos is that units are tightly packed. Players, rarely, split up.
So don't go your own way, stick to your partner since, in a one versus two, shootout, chances are you will lose.
When breaching, enter from two sides to cover more ground.
However, keep some distance from your partner so both don't get knocked out in random shooting sprays.
Master the art of looting
We recommend duos not to loot from the same building since splitting up ensures more loot.
However, if players find ammo or scopes that their partners might need, they should pick them up and give it once they meet.
If you find guns or gear your partner might need, mark the location for them.
Finally, always carry enough medication for two in your backpack.
Do you know?
Make your last stand
You can die a hero's death by helping your partner, even when you are down. If your partner is nearby, drop ammo or a better gun, and even medication. Furthermore, you can spot enemies and notify your partner, even when you have been knocked out.
Lethal and smart killing techniques
In duos, once you shoot an enemy, immediate death means the partner is also dead.
If the enemy just gets knocked out, it indicates that the partner is nearby. In this case, you can kill the knocked out player immediately.
However, we suggest changing position and waiting for the partner to come and revive the player. Then take both of them out.
Chicken dinner
How to survive the final circle
When you can almost smell that chicken dinner, be careful.
In the final circle in duos, players are always together and cover their angles.
We suggest you know when to flank and when to rush. However, before charging into action, be absolutely sure of your enemy's position.
Towards the end, it is better not to engage till only a few players are left.