Use these weapons to win chicken dinner in PUBG Mobile
What's the story
PUBG Mobile has an extremely competitive gamer base which is due to the popularity, this tactically intense Battle Royale enjoys in certain markets.
Naturally, to win chicken dinner, it is essential to gain an edge over opponents. Weapon choice is often crucial for the same, and some weapons deal more damage than others.
Here, we bring the five deadliest weapons in PUBG Mobile.
On what basis have we categorized the deadliest guns?
For all intents and purposes, we have considered the damage stats of the weapons to categorize how deadly they would be. We have also mentioned how difficult the weapon handling is, to help gamers make an accurate and informed choice.
Weapon 1
Kar98k: Killing machine in the right hands
Most players comfortable with sniping in PUBG look forward to picking up a Karabiner 98 Kurz or Kar98k.
Using 7.62mm ammo, this gun has hit damage of 75. A single shot to the head can kill opponents wearing level 1 or 2 helmets.
However, the bolt action increases reload time and there is some bullet drop that might trouble gamers unfamiliar with this sniper.
Weapon 2
M24: The best and strongest naturally spawning sniper in-game
The M24 is the best naturally spawning sniper in the game.
Earlier available exclusively from airdrops, this deadly sniper was later added in-game.
It uses 7.62mm ammo and has hit damage of 88.
With lesser bullet drop and a faster reload speed, this sniper is almost like an upgraded version of the Kar98k.
The downside is that the M24 has a lower spawn rate.
Weapon 3
Crossbow: A silent killer but a deadly one, nonetheless
The Crossbow is a surprising entry on this list since not many players use it at all.
However, the weapon has massive hit damage of 105 and is completely silent.
Capable of knocking enemies down with a single hit, this should be one of the most popular weapon choices.
However, both the single-shot mode and extremely slow reload make Crossbow unsuitable for most firefights.
Weapon 4
S686 and S1897: Shotguns for powerful start to the game
Okay, technically we are including two shotguns here since both the S686 and S1897 have the same hit damage of 216.
Although these shotguns can take out enemies with a single hit, they are useless for mid and long range engagements.
Thus, these are best in early stages. Unless your gameplay involves very close quarter combat throughout, shotguns are inefficient, despite deadliness, later in-game.
Weapon 5
AWM: King of snipers will make you the king in-game
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum is simply called the AWM in the game.
Available only from airdrops, this sniper uses magnum bullets.
The insane hit damage of 120 is enough to eliminate enemies with one shot.
With almost zero bullet drop, this is also the most accurate sniper in the game.
The only downside is players have to risk looting airdrops to obtain AWMs.